
The Korean Economic Development - Mooc from Yonsey university

Question:  What would be the most important factors behind the success of the Korean economy?

Opportunity, seize the opportunities, having been prepared for them is a great lesson that appears in the economic development of nations. A goal-oriented nation that leads to economic growth can improve the challenges of identifying and generating solutions that are more consistent with these challenges.

As in life, countries grow taking advantage of opportunities and to do this you must be prepared for them. Small Asian Tigers emerged, with little space to develop the economy internally; they launched themselves in international trade based on factors such as education and technological development, taking this first stage of industrial production to a more competitive level, which was not adequately followed by Latin America, which has since lost its degree of economic growth.

In the specific case of Korea, the focus on certain areas, such as steelmaking, metalworking industry, and then Naval and Automobile, focused on the foreign market was decisive, since the need for continuous technological development combined with the nation's vocation for the improvement of education and knowledge, gradually brought the country's production to an increasingly competitive level, not only because of the value of wages but also because of the productivity that grew at a very significant pace.

The political economic organization, criticism aside, with a strategic vision and an alignment of the economic sectors and the government was decisive in this process.

We must never forget the cultural question, I believe that the Koreans at various times in history have always wanted to remain culturally independent and evolved (even in times of isolated society, Hermit society), never forgetting to compare themselves with their closest neighbors, therefore never accepting a secondary role with regard to Japan and China.

Question:  Which aspects of the Korean economic development can be copied by the other developing countries? Also, which aspects would not be able to be copied by the other developing countries?

An economy orientated to the Global Market is a big characteristic of the Korean economy. This condition was preceded by a movement to supply the internal market with its main necessities.

Nowadays, that we observe a huge competition in the global market. Make a macroeconomic plan, aiming to serve the domestic market by planning a surplus of production destined for international trade generates greater opportunities for entrepreneurship and the labor market of the parents, creating a structure more developed and less subject to fluctuations and economic crises.

In my opinion it’s the first lesson to lean about Korean economy, try to achieve an external balance producing good to improve the internal economy, and start to trade this good with the goal to obtain a better equilibrium in the global trade.

In my opinion, it’s the first lesson to learn about Korean economy, try to achieve an external balance producing goods to improve the internal economy and the welfare, then start to trade this good with the goal to obtain a better equilibrium of payments in the global trade.

The subsequent steps are dependent on the efficiency and productivity of the internal market, that improves the competitivity of the firms and goods produced in the country.

Besides, the situation at the end of 1950s, where situation(level of development) are similar in Korea, Brasil, and Mexico, where similar, there are some "big differences".
First, in America, there were no war and Mexico and Brasil are full of resources. Otherside, Korea were all this time in the middle of the dispute, receiving the huge support of the big capitalistic economies, but an important characteristic is the well organized and progress orientated(Han) of Korean people.

Question: Explain briefly about the most important policies of 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.

In the 1950s and 1960, there were begin the industrialization of certain places like Korea, Brasil, and Mexico. Producing some goods in the internal market, this improves these economies in the direction a large scale of productions in 1970 where large base industries, like siderurgy and oil, generate employment for works that come from the rural areas to big cities. In 1980, where the beginning of the movement to the chemical industries e the production of electronic goods.

Economic development, in the form that occurred in Korea in other places since the 1970s, had a strong influence on the world scene, where the large production lines of intense use of labor and energy were being transferred to the so-called third world.

Capitalist Europe and the United States were shifting production from steelmaking, mining and then manufacturing scale to the now-called developing world. He went on to focus on keeping the high-level technology under his control, thus obtaining more income, added value to his production.

Factors such as scant environmental regulation in the 1970s, the use of dirty coal power and low wages drove production lines out of the center of the economic axis, and the industrialization process spread to East Asia and Latin America.

As in life, countries grow taking advantage of opportunities and to take advantage of opportunities you need to be prepared for them.
Small Asian Tigers emerged, with little space to develop the economy internally, they launched themselves in international trade based on factors such as education and technological development, taking this first stage of industrial production to a more competitive level, which was not adequately followed by Latin America , which has since lost its degree of economic growth.

In the specific case of Korea, the focus on certain areas, such as steelmaking, metalworking, and Naval and Automobile, focused on the foreign market was decisive, since the need for continued technological development.

This combined with education and knowledge, gradually brought the country's production to an increasingly competitive level, not only because of the value of wages but also because of the productivity that grew at a very significant pace.


Automation the great villain of unemployment

Since of Japanese industrial growth boom, automatization has been considered the main responsible for decreasing quality jobs, when the great argument in favor to automatization is that machines will substitute men in risky and repetitive jobs allowing new position ins more relevant and well-payed tasks.

In truth, the substitution of the man work by machines is a process that begins with industrialization, tools that allow more hard works amplifying force, a group of machines that needs fewer operators and produces more. The line of production is a concept to produce more in less time with a fewer number of workers.
The main concept of effective and efficient production of goods comes from the economy, specialization, and scale is a divine goal for the industries. Due hard competition, it needs to produce more to reduce production costs.

Our society is moved by consumption, and more consumption as possible, that’s means we need cheaper and cheaper goods to satisfy our way of life. A terrible dilemma where we receive the fruit of the job and spend it buying cheaper goods that will lead to underpaid and even slaver work in some part of the world, while good and well-payed job are diminishing in wealth regions of the word.


How to make bean, a light version

  1.  Separate the bean, around 100g per person, put it in a bowl, wash it three times, putting water in the bowl and shaking using your.
  2.  Put more water in the bowl and let the beans under water for 2 or 3 hours.
  3.  Wash one more time and drain the water.
  4.  Put the washed bean in a Pan, Pressure Cocker.
  5.  Cover it with water and start to cook in medium fire.
  6. Cut pieces of pork and meat, in 5 cm cubes, 100 g per person. Put into the pan.
  7. An onion in cubes, 3 or 5 pieces of garlic into the pan.
  8.  Mix the content and add water to maintain all content under water.
  9.  Close the pan, and let it cooking for 10 minutes under pressure.
  10.  Wait for the pressure go down and add salt some seasoning like parsley, chive.
  11.  If you like some spice.
Better to eat with cassava flour and banana. To the dessert, oranges. I have two places on my table tonight… Two of you are welcome to the dinner…


400 dias de investidas no Duolingo – Compartilhando a experiência

Quando resolvi tornar o Duo a ferramenta básica para o meu inglês, li e comentei um post de um rapaz do Rio Grande do Sul, que atingia os 400 dias.

Ele mencionava a disciplina diária, e a perseverança que o levaram a atingir tal número. O que não perguntei e que me perguntariam agora é o que foi que mudou.

Em primeiro lugar foram as traduções no Duo, foram ficando mais fáceis, com muito menos consultas. Mas o momento eureca, aconteceu quando acordei certa noite e pequei um livro com uma coletânea de Edgar A.Poe, inglês rebuscado, elevado e a leitura correu fluída, agradável em harmonia com o conteúdo poético que lia.

Agora tenho trabalhado forte na segunda habilidade, a escrita, hoje concluí meu primeiro ensaio (essay), que disponibilizo a vocês no link abaixo, resultado do curso de redação, através do EDx, estou particularmente feliz com as primeiras mensagens de apoio, dos colegas de curso, quando publiquei o rascunho(draft).

O rascunho publicado foi feito de primeira mão, mas as revisões foram assistidas pelo corretor do word e pelo google translator.

Quando escrevemos a técnica manda que se deixe as palavras fluírem e no escrever algumas escapam e o sentido do texto foge ao que pretendemos. Usar as ferramentas que dispomos é uma maneira de ampliar nossa capacidade de expressão, isto vale até para quem as usa para ajudar na tradução, para ajudar na comunicação. E como ajuda!

O Duo, ainda continua a minha referência básica, é com ele que pretendo buscar a minha certificação.
Seguirá por buscar conteúdos que ajudem a melhorar a compreensão auditiva e a fala, habilidades que estão já bastante próximas de meus objetivos.

Não sei quando dias de ofensiva ainda vou atingir, isto não é mais uma meta, mas ainda fico por aqui até que obtenha minha certificação, depois me encontre no Inglê-Espanhol...

Virtual hugs to everyone.

Link para o ensaio: Are our sons able to handle the world we deliver to them?
Site do Curso de Composição e Gramática

Are our sons able to handle the world we deliver to them?

In these last fifty years, our world was drastically changed. The life we had in my childhood was completely transformed. I’m trying to remember my first year in the school. It’s like to plan a voyage through the time. I can remember some day in the middle of the nineteen sixties. It was a very rigorous winter. I have some photos from that time to help me to bring those memories.

I always woke up when my mom had made some noise in the kitchen, next to my room. There was an incredible smell of food, at that morning, still in the dark; I could feel the cold on my face. The winter was coming, and in these days, it´s hard the walking to the school, the winds from South Pole easily can make the temperatures to fall under zero. Last week there was a big snowstorm and the classes were suspended.

I stand up, quickly, putting my cold clothes on, and I went to the kitchen; where there were a warm coming from the burning in the wood stove. Last year the electric light had come to our village, and in the kitchen, we had our unique point of light. The electricity had made a fantastic improving in our life style.
There were some books on the table, now every night, after the dinner, under the light, we stayed some time reading, playing game tables or listen to the radio. It is a kind of new life. My dad was a genius of the radio, he changes valves, turn buttons, and there they were sounds from all parts of the world were arriving to our kitchen. Things that I couldn’t understand, the radio brought to us.  Last night, the man in the radio was really exciting, speaking something like “beetles”, and, in the following, one strange music invaded our hearings.

Our village, in the south of Brazil, near the Argentinian’s border, was becoming into a little city, in the first seven years of my life, beyond electric lights, streets, cars. There were a new church under construction, “it will be a most beautiful cathedral in our state” had told me the catholic priest. Sometimes we had leave the school to help in its construction. And mainly, the place to where was walking, this cold morning, my school. The dirt road, frozen water puddles and a cold wind make me shiver in this journey, but it no disturb me, because be with my friends again, worth the effort.
The alarm of phone interrupt my thoughts, this winter the temperatures are strangely hot. The guilty is “El Niño”, but last decades is very rare when the thermometers are under zero. I left the frontier, and moved to one of the most beautiful places of the world, the Santa Catarina Island; it was, more than forty years ago. The modern place and city we live doesn't remember, in nothing, my first home, neither my little town.

I wake up, to have the coffee, thus we call breakfast here, with my son. His classes start in two hours, the city remains in silence yet. The noise will start soon, the smell of the cars, either. We have some industrial food to eat, like a cereal, some bread, they are a colorful with almost no smell, and few flavor. His school is near my house, there is a good weather, and despite this, I'll take him to there. In last years, my safety preoccupations are be increased; these problems are becoming epidemic in Brazilian big cities.

My wife, like me, also has many concerns about the future of our family. The quality of food we bring home. Our safety, the freedom of our kids to go to some places with friends. And this world, where the expenses, to maintain the level of live, have rising year by year. What our children could do to be prepared to take care themselves to live in this time. This is our most frequent thoughts.

The walk to the school was transformed. I am here, in some electronic place, concluding this class work, supporting by colleagues that I probably never will meet. In a school, in a place of the world, where I never was.  But, something have never changed, the willingness to learn. Always! And the good will to do the things to make the world better for to my sons and to everyone. 


Duolingo - Após um ano de dedicação, o que mudou?

Ofensiva: 300 dias
Pontos: mais de 95 mil.

Inicialmente pareceu muito simples, mas eu necessitava fixar bem um vocabulário básico, as palavras me fugiam na conversação, e nestas horas não há improviso e sim hesitação.

Completei rapidamente a árvore de inglês a partir do português e fui sentindo uma melhora consistente ao longo das traduções nos primeiros seis meses, resolvi então elevar um pouco a dificuldade, partindo para a árvore do espanhol em inglês, como consequência as traduções agora seriam com a escrita em inglês, não é tão simples,  mas os resultados têm sido muito bons.

Minha leitura atingiu um nível muito bom, acima das expectativas, com melhoras consistentes na percepção e na comunicação.


Quanto tempo toma estudar inglês?

O Duo tem sido uma ótima ferramenta para fixar um vocabulário básico, dar fluência em um conjunto de expressões, tudo muito importante, funciona muito bem e mesmo tendo atingido o maior nível, nos apresenta algo com 30 lições por semana para revisar, se você realmente se aplicou isto vai te tomar algo como 5 horas por semana para manter a arvore “colorida”.

Existem ainda as traduções, se você, como eu já substituiu a leitura de jornais pelos textos do Duo, vai reservar mais umas Horas por semana para, agora só para manter o Duo acrescentamos 7 horas por mês, fica fácil fazer a conta, são vinte minutos por dia, com intensidade, lições contra o cronômetro, não dá pegar leve, senão não funciona!

Mas não é só, você acaba sentindo a necessidade expandir a questão cultural e passa um bom tempo assistindo vídeos e filmes, escutando música, porém isto não conta, pois é laser, não é?

Então buscamos ferramentas mais “significativas” para melhorar nossa inserção nas “coisas culturais do idioma”, a leitura física e eletrônica, cada uma tem sua função, afinal segurar um livro é uma forma moderna de exercício. Pense em algo como ler um a dois capítulos por semana, você nunca vai terminar nenhum livro, vai recomeçar todos que achar importante e vai passar umas boas 20 horas por mês nesta tarefa, mais uns 30 minutos diários.

Chegamos a uma hora por dia de aprendizado, é uma conta tendenciosa, pois na verdade leva mais tempo, pois acabamos realizado isto de uma forma intermitente, parando para entender o significado de uma palavra aqui, uma expressão ali.  Portanto é melhor incluir o aprendizado do inglês em sua rotina diária como um momento de lazer, pois o tempo dispensado está tornando a coisa séria.

Que tal dedicar mais uns 30 minutos do seu dia a assistir um vídeo no Youtube sobre gramática, forma de abordagem da linguagem, existem vários canais com aulas disponíveis sobre os mais diversos assuntos.

Mas você não faz somente estudar inglês, então, por que não? Aqueles textos de trabalho, livros técnicos estarem em inglês, afinal tem maior disponibilidade de conteúdo nesta língua. Agora você estaria somando ao seu tempo de lazer, as suas obrigações, absorvendo conteúdo e vocabulário de seu aprendizado.

Mas a vida não é só trabalhar, você também vai para a academia. Lá todos pensam que você está ouvindo música enquanto se exercita, mas não você escuta áudio books e aulas em vídeo. Aí “derrepentemente”, na maior espontaneidade você solta aquela frase em inglês, bem alto!!! E completamente fora de contexto, tipo, "The Russians drink vodka".

Isto não o tornou mais ocupado, apenas trocou seu programa de tv, a leitura da interne pelo estudo do inglês, vendo desta maneira parece que estuda inglês não toma tempo. Quem acredita!

Ah A família! E os Amigos! Tudo bem por! Por vezes falamos inglês, mas na maior parte do tempo fico mais silencioso... brincadeira....